About CONE Academy

CONE Academy is a leading specialist that delivers thought-leading research, research-based ideas, insights and solutions at the intersection of international business, diplomacy, ethics, morality, religion, values and responsibility. 

CONE Academy believes that international businesses thrive with a clear moral and ethics compass regarding their strategy, corporate governance, global talent management, international relationship building and global societal impact. Our insights and innovative solutions are impactful.

CONE Academy focus is to make (international) businesses thrive who genuinly aim to contribute rather than to exploit, to be circular rather linear. We are driven by creating impact for our clients, partners and society, our profit is re-invested in research, innovation and societal impact. 

We aim to build a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable global society where businesses thrive across national and cultural borders, being fully aware of their impact and responsibilities for individuals, communities and societies.  Organizations are communities of persons who work together toward common goals. Organizations serve the common good and profit is a means to an end. We think that values, morality, ethics, responsibility are instruments for human talents to achieve this. 

We want to achieve our vision through independent research and responsible consultancy. We create value for those businesses and organizations that aim to share our vision. Independent research opens minds, generates ideas, build solutions for bigger and smaller challenges. Consultancy is the way to deliver these insights, solutions and ideas in such a way that they will have impact on business strategies and practices.

About Huub Ruël

Huub Ruel is founder of CONE Academy and expert in international business especially at the cross-roads international business, diplomacy, ethics, morality, religion, values and responsibility. His more than 20 years of research and consultancy has made him one of the thought leaders in the field. Huub Ruel’s key specialist areas are:  (international) business diplomacy, commercial diplomacy and economic diplomacy, corporate governance and Catholic Social Teaching. Huub Ruel publishes research articles, guest edited special issues for international journals, edited and authored books and organized several international conferences.